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0 2409 Птн Октябрь 2, 2020
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Описание: Черно-белая фотоплёнка Adox CMS 20 II - низкочувствительная ортопанхроматическая пленка, с номиналом по ISO 20/14°.
Отличается удивительной резкостью и мелким зерном.
Резкость изображения на данной пленке обеспечивает технология “AHU” (специальный слой с эффектом анти-гало между эмульсией и подложкой).
Эмульсия нанесена на абсолютно прозрачную подложку и может проявляться по обращаемому процессу, что делает из данной пленки отличный черно-белый слайд.

Ultra-High-Resolution Black&White Film
The sharpest, most fine grained and highest resolving image recording system in the world.
Perfectly matched for each other: ADOX CMS 20 II film plus ADOTECH developer.
This film cannot be developed in regular developers!
Update: We have received very nice 35mm CMS 20 II b&w slides processed at Studio13 in Stuttgart in the Scala Reversal-Process.
There are some details missing in the shadows and the contrast is on the upper side but they look OK and the resolution is stunning in the projection. Thus we recomend this process for low contrast scenes or active contrast control during the take e.g. with the use of a reflector in portrait photography. The ISO recomendation is 16/13°.

Product Description:
No other film is sharper, no other film is more finegrained, no other film resolves more lines per mm (up to 800 l /mm).
If used in pictorial photography the film achieves 20 ASA of usable speed in ADOTECH developer. If used for high contrast purposes the usable speed increases to 80 ASA. If developed in non dedicated low contrast developers (HC 110, cafenol etc) it can be exposed at 3-6 ASA.
However we do not recommend using a different developer and we cannot guarantee for the results.
The film developer combination CMS 20 plus ADOTECH has been brought to perfection in years of research.

The film achieves grain free enlargements of up to 2,5 meters diagonally. This equals mathematical about 500 Megapixels. 12 Megapixel, which is today’s standard in high end digital cameras equals 2,4% of 500 Megapixel. This just as a little comparison on the side….
The special monodisperse ultra high resolution emulsion of the film makes it possible.
The AHU anti halation layer in between emulsion and base material guarantees sharpness yet preventing any halation effect.
ADOTECH developer brings perfect halftones and increases the speed to 20 ASA and creates images no one would possibly believe to have been made with a 35mm camera.
ADOX CMS 20 has an orthopanchromatic sensitization which differentiates perfectly between colors. The CMS „sees it all“. No green filter is necessary in portrait photography.
The film´s base is totally transparent making it theoretically possible to reverse it and use it as an ultrahighresolution slide film with extreme projecting possibilities.
In order to do so you need to combine a reversal process with adotech as a first developer.

Once you shot this film you never want to use anything with less capabilities unless you have too.

Reciprocity failure factors:
Between 1/100 und 1/10 s the film can be exposed at regular speed
At 1 second add + 1/2 Stop
At 1/1000 seconds add + 1/2 Stop
Ключевые слова: adox cms
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